Now Hiring

  • Grain Elevator Assistant

    Job Description:

    Atlantic Pure Grains is currently recruiting for a full-time or Full-time seasonal Grain Elevator Assistant with responsibilities that range from receiving, loading, unloading a variety of grains, drying of grain, recording deliveries and preparing paperwork   The grain facilities is located in Belle River, PEI.

    Atlantic Pure Grains:

    Is a Canadian, family owned, grain commodity elevator […]

  • Farm-Tractor-Equipment Worker


    Reports To

    Barn Manager


    The Farm/Tractor/Equipment employee’s primary responsibility is to carry out general duties on the farm. The main duties will take place outside of the barn, but may at times be needed for maintenance inside the barn. Assignments may include but are not limited to; spreading liquid manure, reclaiming arable land with mulchers, excavators and […]